Belgian Amiga Club - ADF Collection
BS1 part 50.zip
BS1 part 50
Jump Disk sept `89.adf
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CLICK ME FIRST - THEN ON `READ ARTICLE' ,j:text/articletex
"This tells how to use the Articles Menu - where you are right now."
"Please don't copy JUMPDISK for others. But do show it to them."
CONTENTS & CREDITS: September 1989 ,j:text/contenttex
"Programmers, artists and authors for this typically superlative issue."
"Nothing new for old hands, but read it if this is your first JUMPDISK."
"But you may have to rename your EXTRAS disk exactly as EXTRAS."
QUICKJUMP: Speeding JUMPDISK Access Time ,j:quickjump
"You need Workbench 1.3 and at least a meg of memory to do this."
@ELECTRONIC COVER: The Rich King ,j:coversep89
"JUMPDISK - SEPTEMBER 1989 - Volume 4 - Issue 9 - Number 38"
%Kevin Lude
DISKOPTI: Docs for A Fast-Access Program ,j:diskopti/opti.doc
"This program rivals commercial optimizers in its abilities"
%Claude Abraham
DISKVIEW: Examine Disk Contents ,j:diskopti/view.doc
"Companion program to DISKOPTI plots a graphic map of what's on a disk."
%Claude Abraham
EUROPE: What's Where on the Continent ,j:europe/europe.doc
"Tour 29 European nations in this geography-capital-flag tutor."
%Robert Wade
DIRECTORY: Referencing Disk Contents ,j:directory/directory.doc
"Sort disk/directory contents to a well-organized reference file."
%Michael O. Vahle
COLORPAD: Coloring Book ,j:colorpad/colorpad.doc
"Sixteen colors, varied patterns and four starter pictures make this fun."
%Frans Pretorius
SHELL GAME COLUMN: Alias ,j:text/shellgametex
"Alias creates interesting ways of getting things done."
%Brad Webb
JPCLOCK: Multi-featured Timepiece ,j:jpclock/jpclock.doc
"Time is on your side when you put this in your startup-sequence."
%Jonathan Potter
BASIC TUTOR - COLUMN: Input and Output ,j:text/basictutortex
"Jonathan Potter returns with another chapter in his Amiga Basic tutorial."
%Jonathan Potter
PUSH: Docs for the Arcade Game ,j:push/push.doc
"Push comes to shove in a relentless test of your ability to survive."
%Brian Buell
THE FROG: Arcade Game Docs ,j:frog/frog.doc
"If the trucks don't get you, then the logs probably will."
%Brian Buell
BREAK_EVEN: Investment Tool ,j:break_even/break_even.doc
"How much must a stock price gain to reach break-even stage?"
%Jim Ernest
ZINC: A Puzzle ,j:zinc/zinc.doc
"Following Gold, published earlier, Zinc is even more difficult to solve."
%David M. Cole
TinyCLI and Lil'Shell: Technique ,j:cli + shell/read me first
"Activate always-accessible gateways to AmigaDOS commands"
%Rich Koster
DOS LAB: Bookdisk by Brad Webb ,j:text/doslabtex
"This is advertising for a 24-chapter interactive AmigaDOS 1.3 tutorial."
%JUMPDISK Advertising
READERS' FORUM (Incorporating Tips) ,j:text/readtex
"Clever tips from Rich Koster (and staff)
NEWSBREAKS: A New Virus Arrives ,j:text/newstex
"And the products continue to roll out."
ELAN PERFORMER: Review ,j:text/elantex
"Desktop presentation in a good format."
%Brad Webb
MOUSE CARE: Advice to the Mouseworn ,j:text/mousetex
"The cleaning, care and non-feeding of the Amiga mouse."
%Rich Koster
PD DISKS: Fish 211-228 - TBAG 25-31 ,j:text/bargaintex
"We've dropped our price to $3.00 each."
PD ORDER BLANK: Print Me For Choices ,j:text/ordertex
"Disk prices have dropped. So we're following the trend."
EDITOR'S 2 CENTS: Short and Sweet ,j:text/centex
"There's really nothing here this month. Honest."
%Richard Ramella
"Folks, keep those programs and tutorials coming in."
SUBSCRIBING: Crass Commercial Offers ,j:text/subtex
"Order now! Offer may be extended forever!"
PRINTALL: Sending Jumpdisk to Paper ,j:housekeep/printall.doc
"Some people still prefer to read from pages. This is for them."
SPEAKALL: Hear or Record Articles ,j:housekeep/speakall.doc
"Speak, boy, speak! Jolson sings. Garbo talks. So does JUMPDISK!"